Stargate is an icon of pop culture and has gone a long way from the original 1994 movie.

I always wanted to have a replica on my desk and I came up with this version of the gate in the Stargate Command. I also added a separate additional part for Abydos, the original “Egyptian” planet introduced with the movie.

Abydos has a DHD (Dial-Home Device) while in the Stargate Command I added a MALP (Mobile Analytic Laboratory Probe)

In addition to the instructions you will have access to download the part list divided for the various sections if you don’t want to build them all:
- The Stargate Command
- Abydos
- The MALP

Total parts: 565 – 112 Different
Measures: 20.5 x 32 x 21.7 studs
Measures: 20.5 x 32 x 21.7 studs
16,4 x 25,6 x 17,4 cm
6.5 x 10.1 x 6.7 inches

Instructions samples:

This design is “inspired by” , but in this brick form it’s the intellectual property of MOMAtteo79.
Any resale of these items, without express permission from MOMAtteo79 is an act of fraud and will result in legal action.
The minifigures are not in the part list. I made the SG-1 using various parts and some custom elements too. For the “Egyptians” you can use Anubis guards from the LEGO Parahos line
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