Sauron (pronounced) is the main character [a] and the main antagonist, [1] through the forge of the One Ring, from the Lord of the Rings of JRR Tolkien, where he rules over the land of Mordor and has the ambition to rule the whole of Middle-earth. In the same work, he is identified as the “Necromancer” of Tolkien’s earlier novel, The Hobbit. The Silmarillion describes him as the chief lieutenant of the first Dark Lord, Morgoth. Tolkien noted that the Ainur, the “angelic” powers of his constructed myth, “were capable of many degrees of error and failure,” but by far the worst was “the absolute satanic rebellion and evil of Morgoth and his Sauron satellite.” [T 4] Sauron most often appears as “the Eye,” as disembodied.
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